
Get upto 4%* on our Savings Account Balances with Elite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all your queries about our service.

  • What is the minimum balance?

    Balance always depends on the account type. So each account type can hold any amount of fund according to it type no limitation attached.

  • When will I receive my account statement?

    As you request for your bank account statement, via call or visiting the bank, it will be given to you in less than 20minute.

  • Can I use your bank in other branch

    Yes! Yes! Elite Future Save remain the same in other Branches, the same pleasing customer service you deserve.

  • Do you give loan?

    Certainly we do, loans are given out to small business owner and other businesses or company, which will be given a certain duration to pay up your loan.

  • What is the rate of interest?

    Our interest is an amount that can be paid with ease, very easy to comply with and our interest is being paid monthly.

  • How active is your bank?

    Elite Future Save is always available 24/7. You can visit or call our customer care representative and you will be attended to.

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